How Social Media Can Improve Your Independent Mortgage Broker Business

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In today’s world, having a positive and engaging social media presence is more important than ever. People want access to information in a matter of seconds, and with a quick Google search or scan of social media channels, they expect to find the information they need to make an informed decision.

As an independent mortgage broker, you’re going to encounter a lot of competition from retail lenders and large banks. That’s why it’s imperative you find ways to stand out among the noise. This is where social media comes into play as an effective way to stay connected with past clients and partners, as well as potential future referrals.

Let’s look at some ways you can use your personal and business social media accounts to help grow your independent mortgage broker business.

1. Provide timely and relevant news

Quality is better than quantity when it comes to social media posts. Whether you’re using your personal account or a business account, it’s important to ensure the content you post is relevant to your target audience.

Consider sharing housing-related news articles, industry updates such as current home loan rates and financing options, or even important news in your community. This shows that you’re up to speed on happenings in the mortgage industry and further establishes your professional credibility. Make sure you’re verifying that any content you’re sharing is truthful and accurate and that you’re only sharing articles and content from trustworthy and reliable sources, such as HousingWire, Bloomberg or local news outlets in your area.

2. Humanize the business

Social media can be a great place for you to connect with clients and leads in a relatable way. If you’re using a business account, consider sharing photos of office activities, or create a get-to-know-you post highlighting your employees and their roles in the office. This further humanizes your business and shows that you and your team are approachable and friendly partners.

If you’re more focused on promoting your business through your personal accounts, it’s important to ensure the content you post is always appropriate. Avoid sharing controversial material and keep posts light and engaging. Posting authentic and relatable things such as family photos or a snapshot of a good book you’re reading offers people quick glances into your life outside of the office, and can help current and future clients feel like they know you on a more personal level – just not too personal.

3. Highlight success stories

As an independent mortgage broker or loan officer, you’ll likely encounter plenty of people who are unsure about the homebuying process, or may not think they are capable or qualified to even apply for a home loan. Simple success stories about clients who you’ve helped get into their dream homes with an easy mortgage process can help ease the minds of those nervous potential clients, and highlight people just like them who have successfully made it through the process. With your client’s permission, these are great stories you can share on both your business page and personal page. Even if you’re just posting congratulations to your clients when they close on a new home loan or refinance, sharing that success and showcasing your happy clients can go a long way in relating to more people in your network and beyond.

Social media is a powerful tool you can use to bring in new clients and retain old ones. It keeps you top of mind, establishes your credibility and allows you to connect with people in a somewhat personal way on a day-to-day basis. As you continue to build your business, consider what you can do to improve your social media content as another way to keep leads flowing in the door.

Are you interested in helping clients finance their dream homes as an independent mortgage broker or loan officer? It’s easier than you might think — and our team at is here to help you every step of the way.